Current Promotions

Check out our Current Promotions!

All promotions with Free Play require an Encore Rewards card for redemption.

Weekly Draws

Win one of our hourly draws and enter for your chance to win $1000.00 Free Play every Saturday night!!

An Evening With Elvis!

April 19th-May 7th
Enter for your chance to win 2 tickets to Steve Elliott Mother’s Day Weekend!!!
Draws take place Wednesday, May 8th.

Wine About It!

May 1st-26th
Enjoy a glass of wine in the Cafe from May 1st-26th for your chance to win a Vizzy Swag Tray.
Draws will take place May 13th and May 27th.

Eat In to Win!

Dine in the cafe and receive $5 free play.
Must be an Encore Rewards member.

May Day’s Bingo Bag Giveaway!

May 1-29
Enter for your chance to win a Bingo Swag Bag!!
Draws will take place May 5th, 9th, 12th, 16th, 19th, 23rd, 26th, and 30th.

Seniors Day!

Come and Visit us with your Encore Rewards card the last Thursday of every month to receive $10.00 in free play!

Buckets of Fun!

Enjoy any cooler in the Cafe from April 1st-29th for your chance to win a Bucket of Fun.